How To Change Text Color In Photopea

A very important feature of an image is the text, as it lets users define what an image represents.

Separating your text from the background is a very important job, but it annoys beginners since they don’t know how to change its color.

To change the color of a text, there are different methods in Photopea, starting with the simplest methods and increasing complexity.

These methods are designed in such a way that a beginner can use any of them below and change the color of the text. so let’s get started.

How To Change Text color In Photopea : 4 Simple Methods

Method # 1

For this method First, select the type tool and a color picker will appear. Now click on this color picker.

Now you can change color from this color picker by its slider and its circle point and click OK. Now type a text and increase text size besides color picker.

Now Select Move Tool From Toolbar and Now check the transform control and align the text in the center. once these two lines intersect each other it means your text is aligned in the center.

Now if you want to change text color again just double click on the text layer and then the color picker will appear again. Now you can change text color from this color picker and click OK.

Method # 2

For this method right-click on the text layer and select blending options.

Now check the color overlay and now you can change the text color from its color picker.
But in the color picker, you can change the blend mode from its drop-down menu and opacity of the color from the slider or type an opacity between 0 to 100%.

And once you make changes click OK.

Method # 3

First, right-click on the text layer and go to the text layer blending options.

Now uncheck the color overlay and check the gradient overlay.

If you want to add an attractive gradient map, just copy these steps. First click on gradient map and a gradient editor window will appear.

Now select the first point and select the color picker and copy this ” and paste it in hex in the color picker.

Now select the second point and select the color picker. Now copy and paste this value in hex in the color picker and click OK.

Method # 4

For the final method first, turn off the visibility of text layer effects.

Now click on the adjustment layer icon.

Now you can either select color fill or gradient fill. The gradient fill works exactly the same as the blending options gradient overlay work.

For this tutorial, I am selecting color fill. Now a color picker window will appear select color and click ok.

Now right click on color fill and select clipping mask.

If you want to change the color again just double click on the color fill layer and change color from the color picker and click OK.


In this example, we will learn to change text color from an image.

First, select the magic wand tool by clicking hold and selecting it

Now select text character. And use the keyboard shortcut ‘ctrl+j‘.

Now select the above layer and right on it and select blending options.

Now check color overlay and change the color from the color picker and blend mode to darken.

now click OK.


So these were the methods we learned today, now you can change text color either from the image layer or from the text layer.

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