How to add bullet points in Photopea (Easy Way)

Bullet points are a great way to break up long-form content into bite-sized chunks. The best part about using bullet points is that they’re so simple. You don’t need to know anything about writing a blog post or creating a white paper to create a practical bullet point.

Photopea is a powerful image editing tool, but it can be a bit intimidating for beginners. With this tutorial, you’ll learn how to create and apply text bullets in photopea.

Unlike photoshop, you cannot automatically add bullets to photopea. We will add bullets manually, so let’s get started.

How to Add Bullets in Photopea:

First, go to file from the menu bar and click new or use the shortcut ‘alt+ctrl+n‘ and a project window will appear.

Now click on create to create a new project.

Now select the type tool from the toolbar.

Now click on the screen and type a text. Now double click and select the text and increase the text size from the above.

Now select the type tool again and click beside the text that you just type and this time press full stop ‘.‘ on the keyboard. Now you can increase the size of this full stop if you want to.

Now select the move tool from the toolbar.

Now zoom in on the timeline by pressing hold ‘ctrl+alt+mouse scroll‘ and enable transform control.

Now increase the full stop size as well and align it beside your text. To align the full stop you have to press hold ‘shift‘ and then align the full stop.

Now zoom out timeline using ‘ctrl+alt+mouses scroll‘.Now select these two text layers and put them into a folder by clicking on the new folder icon from the bottom right corner.

Now align them in the center of the timeline.

Now if you want to type another line then just duplicate the folder by right click on it and select the duplicate layer.

Now open the folder and change the text by double-clicking on the text layer.

Now close the folder and select that folder and align it.

Now select both folders and align them in the center. Now you can use this method to add bullets to a paragraph and etc.

How to Change Bullet Points:

Now to change the bullet point appearance all you have to do is google bullet point and go to images and download a png of bullet point.

Now go to file and click open. Now select the bullet point that we just downloaded and open it into the photopea.

Now select the bullet point layer and copy it by going to the edit from the menu bar and selecting copy or you can use the shortcut’ ctrl+c‘.

Now go to your project

and paste bullet point layer by goto the edit from the menu bar and selecting paste or using the shortcut’ ctrl+v‘.

Now resize the bullet point layer and align it beside the text layer. Now duplicate the bullet point layer and align it beside text as well by right click on the layer and selecting the duplicate layer or using the shortcut ‘ctrl+j‘.

Now select all the layers and put them in the folder by clicking on the new folder icon from the bottom right corner.

Now the final step is to align the folder in the center of the screen.

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